Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My Thoughts on Eating Healthy

While we love to indulge in fabulous food and wine on the weekends, in order to stay in shape, we have to workout and eat healthy and light during the week.

To that end, I get so frustrated by the amount of food out there loaded with sodium and sugar. I work really hard to find organic ingredients, eat "close to the source", buy local where possible, avoid anything in a jar or a can, and don't buy anything with corn syrup in it. Ick. The biggest offenders in my opinion? Salsa (loaded with salt), yogurt (there are only 2-3 brands I will buy - the rest all have corn syrup), juice (though, I indulge in a small glass of Simply Orange Juice from time to time), and most pre-made sauces (have you ever looked at the sodium level of hot sauce?? Sheesh!).

I'm currently reading a book about about how toxins in our environment and our food (think, plastic packaging and storage containers, as well as pop, and other fillers in our foods) have affected our hormone levels, which in-turn, make it harder to keep thin and fit despite how much we workout, or think we're eating fat-free and sugar-free. While, I'm not a total "Granola" (from these recipes, you can see that I do make some occassional exceptions), I do think keeping these guidelines in mind and making changes where possible can make a huge difference in our health and happiness. Thrive!

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